when i did my vinyl vs. SACD vs DVD-A (i already knew not to bother with CDs, i already know where they stood from years of ginning and bearing it until i gave up and sold my MLs and Adcoms) tests five years ago. i uncovered on my own exactly the same conclusions that Harley and Lynn have come to. I went in almost hoping vinyl would lose since i had none of it and had a vast collection of high def digi music. Within less than an hour of critical listening to music i brought in and know well on a reference quality system it became unecquivacally evident that vinyl still offered the best quality, SACDs second, DVD-As (at 196K/24 bit, not all are) a fairly distant third. harley endeavors to explain why SACDs are the best digi format. Lynn just mentions it in passing.
I still love my digi collection. and one thing they offer that vinyl never did is fantastic 5.1 surround mixes. quadrophonic, finally realized.